Foreign non-EU immigrants living and working in Greece, whether legally or even without the necessary entrance and residence documentation, have civil rights, which they often do not know, but also serious and imminent problems and difficulties, the handling of which requires special knowledge and experience.
Being in close contact and collaboration with foreign countries’ Embassies in Greece, the nationals of which represent the majority of the labor immigrants in our country (Philippines, Egypt, Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Georgia, Poland, Pakistan, Afghanistan, African states and others), our firm is particularly sensitive towards the problems of these persons and to the hardships they have to go through and we have thus dedicated a great part of our practice to the protection and defense of their rights.
It is essential for third-country citizens living and working in Greece to realize that, according to our Constitution and Laws, they have the same rights to compensation in almost any case of personal injury as Greek citizens. In cases of work-related accidents, road traffic accidents, injuries suffered as a result of medical malpractice or by way of consuming a defective product or otherwise, the law does not examine whether the third-country citizen possesses a valid work and/or residence permit. The same applies to the majority of labor related rights.