“Cliff Jumping” is not regulated neither authorized
A British tourist was severely injured while taking part in cliff jumping that were part of the water-sports recreation activities provided by an independent water sports’ enterprise on a Greek island.
The Court of Appeal of Egeon awarded the victim compensation for the damages suffered, on the basis that the water sports’ provider did not meet the duty of care that was required under the circumstances for an average diligent provider of such services, although he had created a dangerous situation, and had not taken the measures that were necessary to prevent an accident.
The Court further held that cliff jumping is not falling under the water sports’ activities that are regulated by the General Port Regulation 04 ΥΑ 3131.4/06/94 (ΦΕΚ Β 579/1994), which provides that a special approval and license by the Authorities is required for “new” and not regulated activities, which was not present in this case.